Immediate Business Impact
- Instantly verify information on over 22,000 ASI distributors
- Gain access to 100% industry-specific credit data
- Qualify sales leads
- Prospect for new business by using your own customized search criteria
- Gain easy access to distributor information that includes: contact data, sales volume, top product lines, years in industry and much more
- See industry credit scores so you can make a quick decision on terms
Improve 3 Departments
Credit Department

- Streamline your credit-checking process by looking up a distributor’s report in a matter of seconds
- Enforce your credit policy with easy-to-read credit information – including an industry-specific score, credit history, past-due invoices and collection notifications
- Report past-due accounts with our easy-to-use reporting system
Sales Department

- Find key distributors by using our customizable prospecting tool – searching by location, sales volume, product line or specific markets
- Maximize your time by identifying high-value prospects
- Build relationships so you can increase revenue
Marketing Department

- Use Prospect Hunter to export marketing lists for catalog mailings or call campaigns
- Feed leads to your sales force
- Do market research to help develop your business strategy